
High Tech, Low Life Thrills

Alleycat Interactables

Portable Data Node

The Portable Data Node, or PDN for short, is at the core of the Alleycat experience. Each participant is issued a PDN, giving them access to all the features our experience has to offer.

Designed from the ground up by the Alleycat team, these devices are fully open source. Click below to learn more!


A game wouldn’t be fun without a winner, right? There is a lot of prestige in being the quickest on the draw, like the cowboys of old. With bounty duels happening all over the theme zone at Neotropolis, we needed a way to keep our players informed to their standing throughout the event. A user’s portable data node keeps track of their duels, which are broadcast from our leaderboard.

Hunter / Bounty

ID Cards

We design our ID cards for to be made as custom PCB’s. The heavy weight of a real metal (black) cicuit board gives our ID cards a feel of importance or significance.

We tell every person who signs up at our booth to hold on to it as it is there only proof of membership across “all known universes.”


Take a peek at our iconic Laser Jail from over the years. We even had a performance of Cowboy Bebop music on cello in 2024. Laser Jail is always a vibe.