Alleycat At Neo 2024

Last year things really started to get interesting. For our MKII PDN gave ourselves some new constraints, one device to rule them all. No burned in design that identifies it as a bounty or hunter device. We chose to convey that through lighting. We added a very small screen and added a second button. We wanted a device we could “grow into” and modify the game mechanics without having to reinvent the wheel for design and manufacturing. We also started designing our own circuit boards.

The software for the MKII PDN has been made open source by us and we are now collaborating with people all of the country to make the experience more rich. This brought our lead engineer Elli Furedy to speak at Hackaday Conference. We are now working with the event organizers to develop an NFC protocol to help people make things that will be accesible to all and help take the event to a place where we forget about our little black mirrors for just a few days of connection with likeminded makers.

Intake Video